Develop your mind...all five of them.
Six to eight weeks. That’s how long I need to wait for my Flip. Flip is a camcorder smaller than my hand with a USB port that will allow me to take up two hours of video. I will enlist a 9-year old to help me learn to use it. Nine year olds. Their worlds are digital and global. It’s a scary thought, especially for teachers and parents, that the world these children will face will be vastly different from the world as we know it. Howard Gardner, best known in educational circles for his theory of multiple intelligences, in 2007 wrote “Five Minds for the Future” (required reading in Dr. Maria Ciriello, O.P.’s University of Portland graduate class.) In the book Gardner mentions four unprecedented trends of globalization that have implications on how we prepare children for the future: daily instantaneous movement of capital and other market i...